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Alessandro Montemaggiori

Ph.D., ornitologo ed esperto di management e conservazione

Esperto in gestione della fauna e ricercatore associato all'Università di Roma "La Sapienza", ho lavorato e lavoro per diversi organismi e istituzioni nazionali ed internazionali che si occupano di conservazione e ricerca. Sono stato il direttore dell'area protetta di Ventotene (LT) e il responsabile scientifico del Bioparco di Roma.‍Scientific research in the zoological field, especially ornithology, and nature conservation and management are my main professional interests. The deep link between these two issues is the main guideline of my whole professional career. Soon after my Master Degree I started to work on bird strike mitigation at airports, and this is still my main job, but I always continued to deal with research in ornithology, conservation biology and ecology. At present I am Ph.D. Associate Researcher at Sapienza University of Rome. Married, with one son, I am based in Rome where I live. The rigorous research of knowledge and its dissemination are the most important targets in my life.

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