& Sustainability
Food sustainability is one of the most critical challenges of our time. Fixing the broken food system is not just the right thing to do. It is what people - consumers - increasingly want. In order to take on this challenge, a new generation of food leaders is required.
Online + On-Sea Experience
I moduli si svolgeranno in diretta ogni settimana sul nostro Digital Campus.
Febbraio 2025
Cosa imparerai
By participating in dynamic and interactive modules, held by the most authoritative food sustainability experts, you will learn to:
Riconoscere le principali specie di cetacei, squali e tartarughe del Mar Mediterraneo.
Individuare le minacce di origine antropica e gli impatti diretti e indiretti che minano la sopravvivenza della megafauna marina.
Scoprire il ruolo che le specie marine hanno all’interno dell’ecosistema marino.
Imparare le diverse tecniche di monitoraggio e l’importanza della raccolta dei dati scientifici per la tutela.
Individuare le possibili soluzioni e le misure di mitigazione relative agli impatti antropici.
Scoprire gli sbocchi professionali per chi si occupa di biodiversità marina: dalla citizen science all’importanza del turismo sostenibile.
Ti presentiamo gli esperti del corso. Preparati ad essere completamente coinvolto dal loro entusiasmo e dalla loro incredibile passione per l’argomento!
Partner del corso
Based Learning
In all our courses you will find yourself completely engaged in a challenge. Work with your teammates and exploit your talent by finding a solution to real existing problems of the most representative companies. CBL methodology will help you gain in-depth subject knowledge and develop the skills needed to thrive in a changing world.
Scopri di più
Contenuti del corso
Here are the steps to reach your goal, held by the most authoritative experts on the field.
Commitment to the SDGs
EIIS is committed to achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out in the 2030 United Nations Agenda. Through this Certificate Program you can contribute to the achievement of the following goals:
Sei il candidato giusto per il corso?
This course requires passion and commitment.Show us that you are the right candidate and you can bring value to the course and to all its participants.
What they say about us
The thing we are most proud of is our community: check out what our alumni have to say about the EIIS experience.